Fun Writing Excercise/Prompt for Freelance Writers

What were the original hearts? How would you change these? To see hearts large, click on the picture.
What were the original hearts? How would you change these? To see hearts large, click on the picture.

As writers we are asked to write shorter and shorter pieces packed with tons of information.  As part of a writer’s group, I brought in some Sweethearts. At first I brought them in as a treat.  Then when I gave them out, I asked them to rewrite the Sweathearts in their own words.

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80% Original Content Needed for the Best SEO Writing

After testing thoriginalousands of articles, we found that in order for any article to get over fifteen thousand page views, it has to be at least 80% original.  If Google or Bing can find the original source and the article is only 40% original or less, the search engines will send traffic to the source, most of the time.

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