Bad writing on the Internet wastes people’s time and money. The massive mega-media universe of neophytes who attempt to demonstrate complex do-it-yourself tasks, sends people in directions that they shouldn’t be going if something was written correctly in the first place. Crowdsourcing of information by amateurs can make writers who understand that small details are essential, absolutely crazy. My latest Odyssey involving a dripping bathtub faucet illustrates the importance of interviewing true experts.There is nothing more powerful than someone who has done something many times and is an expert in the process.
technical writing
The History of Connected Cars
I have been writing about connected cars for some time, but not as long as they have been around. The history of connected cars is fascinating and started in 1996 with Motorola and OnStar. The whole idea was to get help to people who are in car accidents. Last year, I was commissioned by a company in Germany to write a brief history of connected cars. It has taken a while to get the design and software to work but the result is lovely and fascinating.
How to write a good review without being bad, hateful or wrong
Writing a review is an art and it is not easy to do if you want to do it well. Reviews require testing, knowledge of the product, knowledge of the reader and patience.
Tech vs Automotive – Why you need a connected car writer
At the LA Auto Show, it became clear that the tech media industry is trying to infiltrate the automotive industry. They are trying to change the rules and it could be very costly to car-oriented websites and media. Let’s see why. CNET a website which started reviewing technology was at the show in full force. Starting off at the Connected Car Expo, CNET had a big media presence with live-streaming the car announcements like they live stream Apple announcements. Car-oriented websites and automakers should beware.