Happy Father’s Day – Happy Motoring!

happymotoringMy father loved cars. Every year, he traded-in last year’s model for a new one. He lived the American automotive dream.

His idea of a good time was to go out into the garage and work on a car. Sometimes, he smelled like Simonize, his cars sparkled and shined brighter than his smile as he drove. Once the car was detailed, he took the family out for a ride.

Mom&DAD_0004 Mom&DAD_0003Yes, entertainment for Daddy was a ride in a car. It wasn’t about the destination but the ride. Sometimes when he got off the phone, he’d end the call with the phrase “Happy Motoring!” which was the motto for Esso (Enco) gas, back-in-the day.

My father had a knack for figuring things out and fixing them, a real gift. If he couldn’t get a part, he’d reconfigure something to make it work. I am fortunate to have a similar gift. I fixed a clothes dryer and washing machine that I knew my former landlord wouldn’t fix. I took apart the machines and figured out how to fix them. I fixed and cleaned the heating ducts in a 1909 Craftsman House. I’m able to get car repairs at cheaper rate because I can talk to the mechanics and know what is involved.

This gift can also make for great interviews.  A German engineer cut off an interview when I asked a technical question, which he didn’t want to answer because it was a flaw in the system.

Daddy showed me how to adjust a carburetor, change a fan belt and how to think creatively. I am most grateful for the creativity.

Last, year I wrote a slideshocarseatsonew of Father’s Day Car Tech Gifts for TechHive for Father’s Day.

If Daddy were alive today, I think he would have liked the seat cushions that both heat or cool and the Viper app that opens car doors. Unfortunately, he’s not around any more to try the tech out.

Where ever you are Daddy, “Happy Father’s Day. Happy Motoring!”
